Sunday, August 1, 2010

Trip to Balai Seni Lukis

Installation art by Luqman Yusuff. I think.
 The trip to Balai Seni Lukis Negara was truly inspiring. Managed to capture some mental pictures of really awhsum artwork, since they didnt allow us to bring our camera's in. Sadly, we had a very pathetic tour guide  [i dont know what you call museum people, im sorry] who said we could ask him anything EXCEPT stuff about the artwork. He then complained we were very malu and 'tak suka tanya'. Like there's anything else to ask. So then he went on rambling about the air dehumidifiers at the third floor. I nodded my head like I cared, just to be polite. Puan Hasni seemed fascinated though. Dehumidifiers aside, the artwork at the 'ABC' floor [Antara Bahan Campur] were teramat sangat cool sekali. Especially the ones with metal in em, which got me thinking, where on earth do you get a hugeass aluminium block? Id really like to try that 'acryllic on aluminium' style.
Besides inspiring me, the balai has successfully managed to make my art look tak matang less awhsum. Im so getting a new sketchbook.
Me hugging a totem pole outside BSLN 

After the trip, we went to Ampang to have lunch. At Mc Donalds. I was probably the only person on the bus who hates Mc D. Then again, Im probably the only person on the bus who eats Mc D for lunch everyday, since my mom hates cooking.
Nehoo, after lunch we went to the Muzium Kraftangan [ i think that's what its called]. Apparently its 'Bulan Perkahwinan' so there were pelamins and wedding gowns everywhere. Wootwoot. Not. We did get free kuih to try, so I guess it was alright. I LOVE KUIH AKOK MWAHAHAHA.
As soon as I got home, I went to Alif's Bistro and ate nasi lemak. Now THAT'S food. :]



Says Who?

''Paul the octopus says your just a bunch of tentacles'' -
Shazana Zaman