Tuesday, August 3, 2010


...is just around the corner. 3 months more, to be exact. If I dont start now, my crazy dream of getting 9A+s will be just that. A dream. Unfulfilled. Lost. Gone. Dead. Deceased. Tidak tercapai. Therefore, I shall start studying soon. Goodbye, dear Suraya for you are one of the two people following me  [sad, aint it?]. I see Zaf in school everyday :P


''Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.''- Thomas Edison


  1. Awwww~! *sniff* Do your best and don't give up! *shakes pink pom-poms* And no! It ain't sad at all! I like reading your (and Zaf's) blog. Much more entertaining than any other ranting teenager can come up with xD

  2. <3 THANK YOU :D i like pom poms :D theyre very pompomy

    hahahaha I havent exactly posted much, Su :P I like your blog too! I just sometimes dont get the Japanese/Korean part.Yes, I'm very weird.teehee.

  3. I...don't like pompoms BECAUSE they're pom...pomy...xD

    Hey, it's okay~! And thank you ;) and it's normal to not understand half of what I'm saying. Especially the Japanese part (I don't do Koreans - -") So it's okay haha xD And no you're not. Wait. Yes, you are. Because you're a unicorn, right?

  4. But theyre fluffy =[ And if you stick googly eyes on em they make great pets :D
    Ah.You dont do Koreans. I see. Alot of people are into the whole K-Pop thing.
    I AM NOT A UNICORN DAMNIT -.- Im a freakin WITCH!
    *turns you into a mexican moustache]


Says Who?

''Paul the octopus says your just a bunch of tentacles'' -
Shazana Zaman